
Frequently asked questions

Replies to your most frequently asked questions

Applications must be filed by 31 March 2024.

It depends on the number of points scored in the admission procedure in the first year. The more points you score, the higher the chance is of getting university accommodation. In other years it depends on your marks and points which you may get for various activities, such as helping to organise various faculty events or for sporting activities. If your journey from home to the faculty takes more than 60 minutes, your chance is much higher.

No, you don´t. We will teach you. If you want to prepare beforehand, we recommend you try the programming languages C, Java, or Python. You might already have some experience with languages such as Pascal, Delphi or Lazarus. That´s also very good preparation for programming at our faculty but you really do not need to know anything.

Compared to the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics? Certainly not. Compared to management or medicine - yes. In the first year you will learn the basics of mathematical analysis (fractions, sequences, limits, derivations, integrals). In the other years you will have a bit more specialized types of mathematics, such as logic or statistics. But we will practically teach you everything from the basics. You will just need to learn.

Physics has been greatly reduced at our faculty over the years, but you still need to know and understand some basics, e.g. how an electron behaves, etc. So you will have physics during one term in the first year.

In the first year it is C and Java. In the other years you may choose a language according to your preferences, unless a certain subject requires a specific language. If you want, you can study a wide range of languages, such as JavaScript, Bash, Lisp, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby, Assembler, and others.

Your study is free, unless you have already studied at a different university in Slovakia. If you have, you pay a tuition fee of €600 for each year which you study over the limit of a standard period of study.

We do not offer courses but since SCIO tests are one of the options for how to get into FIIT, you may take a trial test in mathematics on their website -

It is rather a question of luck. It is possible that the system will give you one room, but we cannot guarantee it.

You can only start in the first year at FIIT but you may ask for recognition of the subjects which you have passed with A or B.


Enrol in a Bachelor´s study programme by 31 March 2024

and get the best IT education in Central Europe


Prihlás sa na bakalárske štúdium do 31.3.2022

a získaj to najkvalitejšie vzdelanie v IT v strednej Európe